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Pink Fin Perch Trip

Location: Umpqua River in Reedsport, Oregon


Starts: Late May

Ends: Early July


$300 per person, 4-5 hours, Maximum 6.


 *Due to the incresed cost of doing buisness, I regrettably need to raise my prices until we can curb inflation, and gas prices start to come back down.
I'm sorry to do this, but I'm hoping it's temporary. 

Join me in Reedsport for some of the best tasting ocean perch there is.  The elusive Pink Fin Perch is a great tasting fish

Know Before You Go! 
Here's my FAQ section on Pink Fin Perch fishing so you know what we're getting into. 


What The Heck Is A Pink Fin Perch? 

The Pink Fin Perch is an Ocean Perch. The Pink Fin enter the river for just a couple of weeks and it is unbelievable fishing. The fins are pinkish and color of the tail varies from pink to deep purple.  Pink Fin Perch are also called Redtail surfperch and attain a maximum length of 16 inches.

How Big Are These Fish? 

These fish are 1-3 pounds and we will catch a lot of them. The limit per person is 15 per day.  There are days where everyone has their limit before breakfast.

What Do I  Need to Bring for the Trip?

ODFW Fishing License  can be purchased here  

There is a MyODFW app for your phone that works for purchasing a license.  

Lunch, snacks and beverages for yourself, and or your guests. I would recommend something that would fit in a small cooler. Bring warm clothes, rain gear and a hat just to be safe. 


Ninkasi has graciously provided beer if interested.


Do NOT bring Bananas please.  It may be a superstition, but I have stories!

When and Where are we Meeting? 

All trips begin when it is light out and last until our limit is met or noon; whichever comes first. 

The meeting location will be decided at least a week before the trip.


Again, all participants are responsible for their own meals and ODFW fishing licenses and tags. 


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